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The Bank of Beaver City Resources

The Bank of Beaver City Resources page is a hub for many of the documents forms, applications, links and other resources you may need. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to reach out anytime.

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Activate/ Deactivate your Debit Card

You can activate or deactivate your debit card within The Bank of Beaver City Mobile App? Should you lose your debit card, you can immediately deactivate it and activate it once again should you find it. You can also keep it inactive until you are ready to use it for assurance against fraud.

Activate or Deactivate your Debit Card Bank of Beaver City

Simply follow these easy steps

Go to the Main Menu
Select ‘Manage Cards’
Slide the Activation switch

Report Stolen Credit Cards Bank of Beaver City

Lost or Stolen Cards

To report a lost or stolen card, please contact your local office during regular business hours.

To report a lost or stolen card over the weekend, please call 1-844-202-5333 and select Option 1.

Online Resources

To learn more about information security, visit any of the following web sites by clicking on the logo below:

Credit Bureaus

In the United States, three major credit bureaus gather consumer credit data. You are entitled to one free copy of your credit report every 12 months from each of the three major credit-reporting agencies. This can be a good way to monitor your credit for any suspicious activity. You can order a credit report online here or by calling 1-877-322-8228. You will need to provide your name, address, social security number, and date of birth to verify your identity.

You can also place a freeze on your credit, which prevents anyone from trying to set up new lines of credit in your name. This is a free service which you can request at each of the credit bureau websites:

Equifax 1-800-525-6285
Experian 1-888-397-3742
TransUnion 1-800-680-7289

Wire Transfers and Resources Bank of Beaver City

Wire Transfers

Wire transfers give you the ability to send or receive funds to or from most banks, savings and loans or credit unions in the world.

Outgoing Wires

Please contact The Bank of Beaver City and have the following information available in order to send the wire transfer.

Receiving bank, name, address, phone number and routing number
Recipient’s name, address, phone number and account number
Please consult a bank representative for any additional requirements and fees
For incoming wires, please give the sender the instructions below. Once received, the funds will post to your account and be included in your available balance.

Incoming Wires

Incoming wire fees of $10 apply to all incoming wires.

Domestic Wires

The Bankers Bank
ABA #: 1030 0361 6
Address: 9020 N. May Ave, Suite 200
Oklahoma City, OK 73120
Phone: (405) 848-8877

Credit: The Bank of Beaver City
Account #: 10677
Address: PO Box 850
Beaver, OK 73932
Phone: (580) 625-4511

Further Credit to:
Customer Name
Customer Account Number

International Wires

Bank of New York
BNF: The Bankers Bank OK
Account #: 8900610980

For Further Credit: The Bank of Beaver City
Account #: 10677

REF: Customer Name
Account #: Customer Account Number

Wire Transfers and Resources Bank of Beaver City
In Person Mobile App Online Banking Bank of Beaver City
Your Bank – Your Way

Everyone Has Different Banking Experience Preferences. Whatever Yours Are, You’ll Find What You Like At The Bank Of Beaver City.

With You Since 1902

At The Bank of Beaver City, we’re all local. We’re not just your banker, we’re your neighbor, your old classmate, your local volunteer firefighter.

That’s just how we’ve always done business.

Find Us

The Bank of Beaver City has locations and ATMs in Beaver, OK and Liberal, KS.

Come see us!

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