Personal Banking

Locally Managed Checking, Savings and Loans.

At The Bank of Beaver City, we believe you can’t find banking any more personal than what you find here. Whether you’re looking for checking, loans, a home mortgage or savings options, the kind of personal attention and tailored service you receive at The Bank of Beaver City is unlike anywhere else.

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Since 1902

Your Trusted Bank

Why? Because we’ve been right here in this community since 1902. Chances are, if you’ve lived here a while, too, we know you. And you know us. That means we can provide personal service unrivaled at any other bank for hundreds of miles around.

The Bank That Knows You

Because The Bank of Beaver City is local and small enough to know our customers well, we can offer a banking experience unlike what you’ll find with any other bank.

Advocate for Our Clients Bank of Beaver City


We advocate for our clients when they need it.

Card Activation and Tailored Banking Services Bank of Beaver City Oklahoma

Tailored Service

We know which customers prefer which kinds of service, and we deliver.

Banking Customer Support Bank of Beaver City Customer Support Oklahoma


We’re happy to educate you on your financial options – or just how to start online banking.

Banking Assistance Bank of Beaver City Customer Support Phone Number 580 625 4511


Sometimes you just need some help. We’re here for you.

Banking Assistance for Lost or Stolen Cards Bank of Beaver City OK


We’re not here to sell things, we’re here to be your trusted financial partner.

How to Report Lost or Stolen Debit or Credit Cards Bank of Beavery City


We know you, not just your balance.

Check out some of our personal banking services below.

Personal Checking Accounts

We offer a great variety of checking accounts, from absolutely free checking to accounts featuring rewards you’ll love.

Debit Cards

Learn how your debit card works, how to activate it or how to deactivate in case it’s lost or stolen.

Personal Savings & CDs

Earn a great rate on a safe investment with your own hometown bank. We offer a variety of savings accounts and CDs.

Personal Loans

Whether you’re interested in an auto loan for that next big car purchase, a home mortgage or anything in-between, our loan officers are here to help.

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If I need anything, they are only a phone call away. I think that they really do put the customer first.


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Bank of Beaver City is about people. Once you know that you've got that at your local bank, you can have no worries.


How to set up an IRA account at Bank of Beaver City Bank of Beaver City
Need Safe Storage?

Bank of Beaver City has the right safe deposit box size for you!

Bank Services

Safe Deposit Boxes

It doesn’t get much safer than a bank vault. Whatever valuables you want kept safe and secure, The Bank of Beaver City has the right safe deposit box size for you, starting at just $5 per year.

Items Commonly Secured In Safe Deposit Boxes

  • Keepsakes
  • Birth and Marriage Certificates
  • Passports
  • Social Security Cards
  • Deeds & Titles
  • Stock & Bond Certificates
  • Precious Photos
  • Collectibles
  • Jewelry

*Reserve your safe deposit box today

Bank Services

Check Re-Ordering

Time to re-order checks? You can reorder online, in person or by phone.

In Person at Either Location

By Phone

Personal Checking Accounts Bank of Beaver City OK
Contact Bank of Beaver City

Online or by phone to re-order your checks.

Bank of Beaver City Resources and Doccuments Oklahoma
About The Bank of Beaver City

Here for you since 1902, The Bank of Beaver City has a long and storied history in the Oklahoma Panhandle.

Online Banking Solutions

With The Bank of Beaver City’s internet and digital banking options, you can handle just about any transaction from your own computer, tablet or smartphone.


Financial fraud and scams are all too common these days. Don’t fall prey to a scammer’s tactics. Check out our security page to learn how to protect yourself.


You can find many commonly requested resources on this page, such as forms, important numbers, contact information, links and more.

Box Size

Price / Year











